Event Profile
The 12th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2009) aims to provide a global platform for the exchange of new ideas, thoughts, and innovations on physics, technologies, and applications of microwave, optoelectronics, and related fields. ISMOT 2009 is organized by Department of Electronic Science, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi. The Symposium will cover a wide range of research fields including microwave components and circuits, optical components, microwave and optical communication systems, electromagnetic theory, antennas, microwave photonics, microelectronic device and circuit and all other topics concerning the microwave, optical and microelectronics community.
The 12th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT-2009) will focus on several topics, such as:
Microwave components and systems, Millimeter-wave components and systems, Solid-state devices & Circuits, MICs/MMICs, Microwave materials, Microwave superconductivity applications, Communication systems, Antennas and radar technologies, Numerical methods and CAD techniques, Propagation/scattering and measurements, Electromagnetic theory, Optoelectronics, Optical fibers and waveguides, Optical solutions, Optical communications/networks and sensors, Optical multiplexing / demultiplexing, Laser technology, Metamaterials in microwave and photonics, Microwave photonics, Remote sensing, Signal processing, Biological effects and applications, Industry and environmental effects, Microwave/optical education, EMI/EMC, Embedded Systems, Satellite & Wireless Communication Systems, MEMS, Packing, Interconnects & MCMs, etc.