Event Profile
The 2nd National Conference on Next Generation Computing & Information System (NGCIS 2009) is an excellent forum to focus on and discuss the emerging and upcoming trends and practices in various fields of computer science and information technology. The conference will provide a great opportunity to researchers, academicians and professionals to interchange their knowledge, experience, concerns and innovations about the exciting and challenging future of computing. The conference attendees would get exposure to innovations and enhancements in the domain of computer science and information technology.
The NGCIS 2009 invites research papers, industrial practices and applications related to the following topics:
Emerging trends In grid and peer computing, Bio Inspired Systems, Evolution and Autonomic computing, Intelligent Agent Technology, Knowledge Discovery and Data mining for the Future, Sensor Area Networks and Applications, Machine Intelligence and Learning, Nano-Technology, Utility/On-demand Computing, Pervasive Computing, Next-Generation Networks, Automated Software Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, DNA computing, and Mobile and web based learning system.