Event Profile
2009 International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2009) is one of the premium platforms for the researchers, engineers and scientists to express their views and share research work on software technology and engineering. Moreover, ICSTE 2009 will be a pivotal event for developing business and research relations.
ICSTE 2009 will cover the following topics:
AI and knowledge based software engineering, business process reengineering & science, communication systems and networks, artificial intelligence, aspect-orientation and feature interaction, component-based software engineering, computer & software engineering, computer game development, user modeling and management, computer supported cooperative work, computer animation and design contents, cost modeling and analysis, data mining and knowledge recovery, design & process engineering & science, empirical software engineering, end user software engineering, engineering of distributed/parallel SW systems, design patterns and frameworks, distributed intelligent systems, economic and financial systems, engineering of embedded and real-time software, engineering secure software, formal methods and tools, information management systems, MIS, information systems engineering, healthcare engineering, human-computer interaction, internet and information systems development, middleware design, techniques, mobile/wireless computing, modeling with UML, object-oriented technology, parallel and distributed computing, patterns and frameworks, process management & improvement, program comprehension and visualization, requirements engineering, reverse engineering and maintenance, safety and security critical software, software agent technology, software architecture and design, programming languages, reengineering, reverse engineering, reliability modeling and analysis, software components and reuse, software economics and metrics, software engineering for mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive systems, software dependability, safety and reliability, software policy and ethics, software processes and workflows, software requirements engineering, software reuse and metrics, software process models, software testing and analysis, software tools and development environments, technology transfer, telecommunications, theory and formal methods, use cases and scenarios, virtual reality and computer graphics, SW configuration management and deployment, visual and multimedia computing, web engineering etc.