Event Profile
epiSTEME 4 is an international conference on review research on science, technology and mathematic education. This conference brings together researchers and scholars in science, technology and mathematics education in an interdisciplinary exchange. The conference program will include review dialogues, paper and poster sessions and group debates. The event will suggest a systematic study of knowledge and various aspects of science, technology and mathematics education. epiSTEME- 4 will cover a range of related themes and strands such as Historical, Philosophical and Socio-cultural Studies of STM: Implications for Education, Cognitive and Affective Studies of STME and Curriculum and Pedagogical Studies in STME. The 4th International Conference on Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematic Education will be the best opportunity to review research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education.
Visitor Profile
Targeted visitors at the 4th International Conference on Review Research on Science, TEchnology and Mathematics Education are: Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Scholars and Academicians.