Event Profile
The 5th International Nitrogen Conference 2010 is an excellent event that will feature all aspects of nitrogen in maximizing sustainable food production and to diminish nitrogen's negative effects on human health and the environment. The conference will present a particular theme "Reactive Nitrogen Management for Sustainable Development: Science, Technology and Policy,” and will convene participants allied with particular aspects of N cycling, from all the disciplines of natural and applied sciences and engineering as well as participants from the policy, development, and social communities. Nitrogen 2010 will feature a combination of plenary lectures, invited lead and oral presentations, short workshops, and poster sessions. N2010 Conference will provide main focus on technical sessions and workshops, giving the attendees distinctive chance to communicate across disciplinary lines to reflect on approaches for concluding the regions on agriculture, development, biogeochemistry and nitrogen, and science and engineering challenges following a range of issues. The 5th International Nitrogen Conference 2010 will also focus on various sub-themes i.e. Food Security, Energy Security/Industry, Human Health & Environmental Degradation, Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity, Climate Change and Integration.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors at the 5th International Nitrogen Conference 2010 are: Practitioners (farmers), Researchers, Scientists, Academics, Policy Makers, Regulators communities and Professionals.