Rongaali Bihu or Bohaag Bihu is the most important of the three Bihus. It is celebrated in the month of April. This phase is dedicated to cow, as they act as the assets of a farmer.
Manuhor is celebrated as the New Year Day, which includes serving of a lavish feast. The third day of the festival is known as Gabhori and is allotted to the young ladies. Wearing muga silk and ornate gumkham bracelets, theses ladies dance throughout the night to the beat of the toka (drum) and gogona (made from bamboo held between the teeth).
Kati Bihu or Kongaali Bihu is the second phase of the festival, which falls in the month of September or October. In this phase of Bihu, people worship deities, chiefly Goddess Lakshmi, to have a rich harvest.
Magh Bihu or Bhogaali Bihu is the third phase of Bihu festival, which falls in the month of January. It is the celebration of harvesting of the crop. Throughout seven days of the Bihu festival, the people of Assam give in to fun and frolic with their houses full of the harvested crop.