Event Profile
Conference on Financial Inclusion for Sustainable Development will be an excellent platform to interact with the policy makers & practitioners on the current issues. It would provide an excellent opportunity to know about different business strategies and models and also to share the views with the opinion makers as well as policy designers. The conference would cover many topics such as:
what are the reasons for the current state of financial exclusion, why commensurate financial deepening in India has not taken place despite several policy initiatives taken by the government & regulator, is the financial sector adequately geared up to achieve the objective of financial inclusion, what could be an appropriate structure for this purpose, should regulations be thrust upon financial system or should there be more flexibility available to them in achieving their mission of financial inclusion, is there a need to re-look at regulations, what should be those flexibilities, what is the role of Grameen banks/ SHGs /NGO' s in achieving the goal of financial inclusion, how can banks leverage on these existing structures, what is the linkage between financial literacy and financial inclusion, what are the efforts required to educate the masses, what is the role of corporate sector in this mission and many more.