Event Profile
International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Computation and Security is a premier event focused in the field of electronics & communications engineering. It intends to serve as the best forum for researchers, scientists, engineers and scholar students in all regions of VLSI, Communication and Network security. The experts attending the conference will present their original research results, latest ideas and practical development experiences which deliberate on both theory and practices. The 1st ICVCCS 2010 will focus on extensive array of topics from VLSI circuits, neural networks and intelligent systems, VLSI architectures for signals and communications, security and privacy issues in communication, systems and design methods to system level design and system-on-chip issues, in order to bring VLSI experience to novel sectors and technologies like nano and molecular devices, MEMS, communication and network security.
Visitor Profile
The targeted visitors in the event International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Computation and Security are: Scholars, Scientists, Researchers, Educators, Students, Engineers and Entrepreneurs.