Event Profile
The conference, “Mineral Industry in the New Economy - Challenges & Opportunities” is one of the most prominent national events for Mineral business Leaders. MINE 2009 is organized by mineral industry professionals for mineral industry professionals where the conference attendees will get a chance to meet and learn from the policy makers and the people who make things happen and can discuss with other professionals in the industry, share their stories, gain new skills, and perhaps some new understanding of what is happening to the industry around us. The conference will be a forum and a platform for policy makers, mineral industry professionals and experts, IT professionals, educators, Consultants, producers, buyers, traders and industry suppliers to interact with each other and discuss possible opportunities and challenges. The conference aims to provide informational and educational opportunities of the highest quality on the new economy and its impact in mineral business world. There will be a Pre-conference Workshop on theme ‘The New Economy’, on January 14th 2009.
The conference will cover a wide spectrum of subjects such as:
Mining in New Economy - National and international perspectives, Compulsions in Mineral exploration, Surface Mining: Methods, technology, trade and management, Underground Mining: Methods, technology, trade and management, Oil & Gas Sector and Coal bed Methane: prospects, economy, technology, Industrial Equipment Manufacturing: Development and Policy Support, Overseas Case Studies: New Economy Preparedness, Corporate Social Responsibility: Profit, Conservation, Environment and Social Economy, World wide increase in demand of mineral commodities, New Players entering the arena, Developments in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Need for diversification, value creation, Integration of business, Environmental issues, Delivery Solutions and Logistics, Legislation and national policies, Human Resources Development and Inaugural, Plenary (for key note addresses) and Panel Discussion.