Event Profile
National Conference on Challenges in Human Development in India will cover all the aspects of second generation problems in human development. The conference will also discuss about the institutions and processes at the micro level that are helpful for human development.The conference will discuss about the challenges potential, assets and activities that are important for sustainable livelihood as well as for the human development.
National Conference on Challenges in Human Development in India will cover the following themes:
Human development: conceptual and measurement issues, poverty eradication, inclusive growth and human development, role of the governance, institutions, policies and programmes in enhancing human development, child and maternal nutrition and nutrition intake, mortality, morbidity, access to health care services and burden of disease, gender unfreedom, inequity and human development, school education and higher education: equity, access and quality issue, infrastructure and human development, human development in human rights perspective, second generation problems in human development understanding social and regional disparities in human development, etc.