Event Profile
National Conference on Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence promises to establish an effective channel of communication between theoretical researchers and practitioners. The theoretical research outcome provides necessary support to practitioners in the design and development of intelligent systems, and the difficulties faced by the practitioners in using the theoretical results provide feedback to the theoreticians to revalidate their models. The conference will provide an outstanding opportunity for faculty members and students, as well as industry professionals and eminent academicians to present and discuss the latest scientific results and methods. The conference will include keynote addresses, contributed papers, and numerous lectures and tutorials on a wide range of topics.
The following areas of study are being proposed for NCSCAI 2009:
Virtual Reality, Expert Systems, Robotics, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, Evolutionary Computing, Web Analytics, Content Based Image Retrieval, Data Mining Tools & Techniques, Multimedia Data Mining, Computational Geometry, Bayesian Networks, Learning and Adaptive Systems, Bioinformatics and Soft Computing.