Event Profile
WAPR 10th World Congress aims to bring all the people related to this field on a common platform. It will provide them an excellent opportunity to share their views and knowledge. The theme of the congress is psychosocial rehabilitation one world: quest for integration.
World Association For Psychological Rehabilitation World Congress 2009 would cover the following topics: Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Epidemiology, Disorders Disaster & Mental Health, Families And Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation With Limited Resources, Community Mental Health, Psychotherapies And Counseling, Quality Of Life Research, Migration And Displacement, Neurobiology & Imaging, Philosophy, Schizophrenia & Bipolar Disorders, Dementia & Cognitive, Early Psychosis, Economics & Social Cost, Alcohol And Substance Use Disorders, Art, Music, Dance Therapy, Attitude, Stigma, Reintegration, Globalization And Acculturization, Homelessness & Marginalization, Human Rights, Kinesiology, Policies & Advocacy, Psychopharmacology, Legal Issues, Media & Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Psychosocial Interventions, The Consumer & Family, Torture & Terrorism, Religion & Spirituality, Trauma, Vocational Training & Employment, Voluntary Agencies & NGO'S Inehabilitation and many more