Event Profile
IBS Hyderabad is organizing “Third International Doctoral Theses Conference” in collaboration with Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai. The Doctoral theses conference promises to provide a forum for the research scholars from all over the globe to present their Doctoral work in the area of Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Operations Research, Marketing, Accounting, Insurance, Real-Estate and General Management. The objectives of the conference are to be the platform for intellectual interaction, to facilitate the linkages between academic research and practitioners expectations, to give feedback to the research scholars who are in the process of submitting their thesis, and to identify the gap between theory & practice and to fill the gap with suitable suggestions. The conference is open for all those scholars who are pursuing their Ph.D. program or nearing completion of their work or have just submitted and awaiting for viva voce examination or have recently completed and the interested research scholars are also invited to submit an extended abstract containing the following points:
Research question and Significant problems in the field of research, Summarize the current knowledge of the problem domain, as well as the state of the art for solutions and Clearly present any preliminary research plans and ideas, and the results achieved so far, Sketch the research methodology that is to be applied and Describe the expected contributions of the scholar to the research area, and (For technical research), Describe how the research is innovative, novel or extends existing approaches to a problem.