Try out our scrumptious Malabar fish recipes. Read them and learn how to make Malabar fish.

Fish curry is a typical Malabar recipe that is made in every keralite house. Cooked with a whole lot of authentic spices and coconut milk and relished with rice, this is one dish no fish eater can say no to.
• Non Veg. • Average Rating: 8.0 / 10 (5 votes)

This traditional Kerala spicy fish curry dish will entice you just by its aroma. Delving into this dish is worth every minute.
• Non Veg. • Average Rating: 8.3 / 10 (6 votes)

Fish pickle is an amazing side dish that is made with big chunks of fish and lots of yummy spices, enhancing the taste a 100 times. If you ever take a trip down to Kerala, then your journey would not be complete unless you try this dish at least once.
• Non Veg. • Easy Rating: 10.0 / 10 (2 votes)