Lemon Cordial Recipe

Lemon Cordial is a very popular drink. Learn how to make/prepare Lime Cordial by following this easy recipe.
Lemon Cordial Recipe
Difficulty Easy
Rating 9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
Recipe Type Veg.
  • 8 medium sized Lemons
  • 500 gms White Sugar
  • 1 cup Cold Water
How to make Lemon Cordial:
  • Squeeze the juice from the lemons and set aside.
  • Keep the peels of 2 of the lemons, and place in a pot along with the sugar and water.
  • Bring it to a boil, stirring constantly and then lower the heat and simmer for 10 minutes, just stirring now and again.
  • Remove from heat, add the reserved lemon juice and bring back to the boil briefly, whilst stirring.
  • Allow to cool and then strain into a bottle or jug. Refrigerate.
  • Dilute with water or soda water before serving according to taste.
