Sweet Lassi Recipe

Sweet Lassi Recipe
Photo Credit: http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-sweet-lassi
For the typical Indian sweet tooth, there is no other beverage incommensurable to Sweet Lassi on a hot, sultry day or after a spicy meal. Fashioned in less than a minute, this icy, viscous drink is almost every Indian’s answer to a parched throat.
Sweet Lassi Recipe
Difficulty Easy
Rating 7.1 / 10 (57 votes)
Recipe Type Veg.
  • 500 ml Curd
  • 250 ml Water
  • 4 tbsp Sugar
  • Crushed Ice
How to make Sweet Lassi:
  • Put all ingredients in a blender.
  • Add ice to it and blend the mixture until froth appears.
  • Sweet Lassi is ready to serve.

Reviews and Ratings:
manash porashor posted 28/03/2010
its so easy. thanx a lot.
santhi posted 03/06/2009
i want the taste as they make it in hotels please can i add condensed milk to lassi and prepare it?
Ishan posted 30/07/2007
This recipe is very nice! I liked it.
