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Read here to know more about Drywall & Backer Board finishing for your bathrooms.

Drywall & Backer Board

You got your new home, you got all set to design it, you chose this and that for the kitchen, the dining room, the living room and so on. However, you got stuck when you wanted to design your bathroom. The bathroom, does it ring a bell in your head? Maybe it does. The room is known to be the haunt of intellectuals and newspaper readers, but mind you, the bathroom is more than just that! It is a room in which one can relax and maybe even get some alone time. So, remember: what goes into designing your bathroom really decides the effect it has on your mood. In order to design your bathroom effectively, you will need to plan carefully. You must systematically look into all the fine details that go into the designing of your bathroom. Right from the kind of materials used to where the materials are used, you need to be aware of everything. Remember, you will need to use your bathroom for a long time, probably even for a lifetime. So, choosing the right quality and quantity of materials is very important.

Drywall and backer board are two materials that can help bathrooms look better and seem much more functional. So, pick the right ones and use them the right way. Water-resistant drywall and concrete backer board are best used for bathroom walls.

There is not too much of a difference between drywalling your bathroom and drywalling other parts of your house. However, though they are similar, drywalling your bathroom may require you to spend more time and put in more efforts. You will need to watch out for bathroom pipes, do not drywall pipes. Since a bathroom can be loaded with moisture, you will need to use a different wallboard. The most effective and popular one is the water-resistant drywall. It is often called "greenboard". It is made out of the same gypsum core as drywall. Water-resistant drywall is generally preferred in shower stall ceilings and in areas that surround bathtubs. Greenboard usually costs slightly more than standard drywall because it has a water-resistant side to it. This will help keep away stains and decay. However, it is important to mention here that green board is not waterproof, only water resistant. So, if you're tiling over it, ensure that the tiles are sealed properly. Dry walling your bathroom is a great way of getting to a perfect water resistant finish, if you are looking for a water resistant finish that is.

Concrete backerboard is made of a solid concrete core and is reinforced with a fiberglass mesh. It serves as an ideal base for wet areas like whirlpool decks; shower walls and spaces that surround a bathtub. In comparison to other wallboards, it is difficult to cut concrete backer board. To get the better of this predicament, you can use a straight-edge guide and mark lines too. You can use a carbide-blade cutter or a short-bladed utility knife for this purpose. Break the board along the marked line and cut out the remaining mesh. If at all you do notice wide gaps in the drywall, use wood furring strips to seal the same. Concrete backerboard is also very durable, so this only means it comes with an added advantage.

Your bathroom is not only a place for spending some 'quality' time, but also a place that should help you make statements of standard and style. So, go ahead and make your bathroom a safe haven of sorts.