Here are some useful interview tips. These useful nuggets of
information deal with interview skills, interview etiquettes, body
language, mannerisms et al.
Be punctual. It is better to arrive early than to rush in at the
last moment. Allow extra time for traffic, parking and slow
Dress appropriately for the interview. Improper clothes and
grooming can jeopardize an interview. Project a clean and well
groomed appearance. Casual clothes are strictly out. Dress
comfortably, but immaculately. Shoes should be polished,
pants/skirts and shirts pressed.
As you enter the interview room, wait for the employer to
indicate where you should be seated. After the employer is seated,
it is your cue to also take a seat.
Make eye contact when you speak. Stand straight, move confidently
and sit slightly forward in your chair. Portraying proper body
language is very important.
Shake hands firmly. A firm handshake projects confidence and
leaves a lasting impression.
Speak clearly, don’t mumble.
Don’t fidget in your seat. Sit up straight with your
shoulders back and hands resting in your lap.
Use limited hand gestures to emphasize key points.
Be aware of nervous movements such as tapping of your foot or
playing with a ring.
Project a professional and enthusiastic image. Your aim is to
convince the interviewer that you would be an asset to the company
and not a liability.
Don’t complain about a former boss or co-worker. This
creates a negative impression and the employer may think that you
are hard to get along with.
Ask questions when you don’t understand what the employer is
talking about.
Before leaving the interview let the employer know that you
really want the job. This will make the employer feel that you are
really interested in the job and would work hard and stick to the