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Read for information on MCAT Test/MCAT Exam, MCAT registration, how to register for MCAT Course and MCAT international study program.


Medical College Admissions Test or MCAT is a mandatory exam for getting admission into undergraduate courses in the U.S medical schools. The MCAT is a uniform and computerised, multiple-choice test that is designed to evaluate the examinee's aptitude and knowledge about relevant subjects. It assesses problem solving, critical thinking, writing skills as well as knowledge of scientific concepts and principles. These are the prerequisites for the study of medicine. The different sections in this paper include Physical Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, Writing Sample and Biological Sciences. If you are keen on applying to medical school then you need to submit your MCAT exam scores. There are many schools which do not accept MCAT exam scores that are more than three years old so take up this exam when you have finalised on all the other factors, which include, selecting the course, city and most importantly the college/university.
  • The MCAT test comprises of four sections namely verbal reasoning, physical sciences, writing ample and biological sciences. All of them are in a simple and easy format.
  • other than the writing sample section, the remaining sections are in a multiple choice format.
  • The writing sample consists of two short essays that are typed into the computer. The passages and questions are programmed and predetermined and thus they do not change in difficulty depending on the performance of the test taker (unlike, for example, the Graduate Record Examination, i.e. GRE).
  • The physical sciences section assesses the problem-solving ability of the examinee in subjects such as general chemistry and physics. Biological Sciences section evaluates theoretical and basic knowledge in biology and organic chemistry. Lastly, the verbal reasoning part estimates the capacity to understand, evaluate and apply information and arguments presented in prose style.
Although MCAT is conducted many times in a year, it is always better to appear for the test when you are prepared both mentally and physically.

MCAT Score
Four separate scores are derived from the MCAT because the paper consists of four sections, one score for each section. It is all added up to the cumulative total score at the end. Most U.S. medical schools give equal importance to your MCAT scores as well as your GPA. Moreover, if there is an inconsistency between these

MCAT Preparation
If your dream is to become a doctor in the U.S.A., then the MCAT is a make-or-break test for you. MCAT is certainly not the hardest part of the journey, it is more of a necessary evil that you need to conquer. The benefit is that if you do well in this exam then you are almost sure of getting into a good medical school